
New students are welcome to join at any point during the term, with the first class free

New Student Information

Please email us regarding any questions you may have or if you would like to join any of our classes. Due to having such small class sizes some classes may be full, however, if this is the case you would be added to a waiting list and informed as soon as a space becomes available.

Joining and Costs

To join a class or query about space availability, please email us.


Registration Forms

Adult Registration Form

Child Registration Form


Our classes have a uniform except from our Early Learning, Dance Workout, adult, and over 60s classes.

Uniform is available for ordering from ourselves and a fitting can be arranged outside of class time with the teacher. Uniform can either be bought all at once or a piece can be purchased each week to spread the costs.

The cost varies depending on size and item, however, a full uniform usually costs around £40.00.

Uniform is not required for any trial classes.


Class Fees

Class fees are paid in advance in 10-week blocks at a time. This is invoiced via email at the start of each billing block. We accept cash and cheque, however, our preferred method of payment is internet bank transfer.


Class absences will still be charged. However, an arrangement can be made to join an equivalent class in the week alongside your usual class to make up for any absences. This is subject to class and space availability.

First Class Free

Due to the financial commitment of paying for classes in advance in 10-week blocks, we offer the first class for free to act as a trial class. If you decide to continue with classes after the trial class, you will only be invoiced the remaining weeks of the current billing block.


We offer a 10% discount to those taking multiple classes or those with family members who also take classes with us. This discount is not stackable.

A friendly, inviting space that matches our personable teaching style

Where we teach

Classes are currently held at Angharad’s, the teacher’s, home where she has two rooms and a bathroom dedicated to Dance4all’s use. This includes a studio space for classes and a waiting room with an en suite bathroom. This means that parents/guardians have a space to relax and wait for their children during class that is also nearby in case their child needs them and students also have a bathroom to change in.